Retirement Assets
Get the most from your retirement assets
Many people wisely take advantage of the benefits of contributing to IRAs, 401(k)s, and similar plans. These retirement funds often represent an individual’s largest asset and many times outlast their primary use.
Making Cru a primary or secondary beneficiary on your retirement account, such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension, or other tax-deferred plans, you can make a generational gospel impact through a future gift to Cru!

You can name Cru as the beneficiary of your retirement plan to support your favorite Cru ministry or the work of a Cru missionary. Cru won’t pay income tax on the distribution as a nonprofit organization. Even if your estate is not subject to estate tax, there are still significant tax advantages to making charitable gifts with retirement plan assets.
A future gift from your retirement account directly to support your favorite Cru ministries and missionaries can make a generational impact and help spread the gospel beyond your lifetime.
Because Cru is a nonprofit organization, we won’t pay income tax on the distribution — this ultimately maximizes the impact of your generous gift.
A beneficiary gift from your retirement account allows you to retain ownership and control of your retirement assets while making a future gift. And if you designate a Great Commission Donor Advised Fund account as the beneficiary, you provide yourself with greater flexibility when needing to update your list of charitable beneficiaries.
You may qualify for a charitable estate tax deduction when including Cru in your estate planning as a beneficiary of your retirement account.
How it Works
To give from your retirement account now, learn about IRA Qualified Charitable Distributions.
To use your retirement assets as a future gift, complete a beneficiary designation form provided by your retirement plan custodian. There are two beneficiary options:
- Name your Great Commission Donor Advised Fund account as the beneficiary (and distribute to your church, Cru, and other 501c3 organizations).
- Name Cru missionaries or ministries as the beneficiary.
For your gift to be properly allocated according to your intentions, please inform our team of your beneficiary designation using the Declaration of Intent Form.
Estate Design Service
If you already intend to make a gift to Cru through your estate, our team can help you identify which assets are best suited to bless your family and which assets are tax-wise gifts to support ministry.
We provide a no-cost Estate Design Service to build personal strategies for stewardship and prepare well for the future. We help you go beyond tools, techniques and taxation by looking at your life’s work through the lens of God’s ownership.